Psalm 33
11 But the plans of the LORD stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations.
12 Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, the people he chose for his inheritance.
I guess in a world of such open blogging, diaries almost seem obsolete.
I’m sitting here at the desk of the teacher I’m subbing for preparing a little lesson on “The Diary of Anne Frank.”
As I read through her life story, it is almost unimaginable that a 13-year old girl could be so vivid in her descriptions, so knowledgable about what was going on in her country, so passionate about her heritage.
It makes me think about my kids so much.
How do they see the world?
What are they passionate about?
Do they know what it means to be persecuted for their faith?
Are they strong enough to stand up for their beliefs even if the other option is death?
I just don’t know.
Anne Frank was a special girl.
I believe if she would have lived during Bible times, she would have been in the book of Hebrews. I believe she was part of God’s big picture of sharing His story.
How can I pass this faith on to my kids and my students?
How can I help kids to realize that even as middle schoolers they can be used to impact God’s kingdom and the world’s history?
God will work through all generations…..
He can foil the plans of nations…….
He uses people to carry out His plans. How is He using our children?
Or have we taught them enough to give them the ability to be used?
We live in an unstable time. The only STABLE aspect of this world is God and His Word.
Do my kids realize that? Do the students in our classrooms realize that? Who will have to answer if they don’t?
It was just more than I could think about without writing down my thoughts……
So, once again, my blogging “diary” had to be “clicked” open today.
Longing for a generation of kids whose diaries would show deep faith,
Some really thought-provoking questions there?? Could my children stand REAL persecution for their faith….could I??