I’ve realized in the last couple of hours just how much of what I do involves clear vision.
I can’t edit photos.
I can’t read without squinting.
Something has changed over night.
And in the blurriness of this Monday, I’m keenly aware of how unappreciative I was just yesterday for the gift of clear vision.
Not once did I stop to think God for all I could see perfectly.
Never did I pause to look in a mirror and feel any kind of gratitude for my eyesight.
So, today, I’m going to thank God for what I had yesterday and trust Him with what I don’t have today.
Isn’t that what we are called to do in every area of life where we find ourselves coming up short or missing something or someone we once had near us.
Today, I’m thankful for yesterday.
Today, I’m asking God to make me aware of the things I would miss tomorrow if they were taken from me.
My children
my husband
my extended family
my friends
my hearing
my ability to walk
my ability to talk
my ability to type
and on and on.
my husband
my extended family
my friends
my hearing
my ability to walk
my ability to talk
my ability to type
and on and on.
Clear vision is a gift because with it we see things we easily could miss.
But sometimes blurred vision can clear things up so that we’re able to finally see what we were missing when our eyes worked perfectly.
Hopefully, my eyesight has just taken a sudden change for the worse and new lenses will have me seeing perfectly once again very soon.
But for today, as I let go of all I can’t do and squint my way through til this afternoon,
I’m going to ask God to use this time to remind me of just how many blessings I’ve been taking for granted.
Only God can used blurred vision to clear things up!
I lift up my (blurry) eyes to the hills.
From where does my help come? My help comes from the Lord,
who made heaven and earth.
From where does my help come? My help comes from the Lord,
who made heaven and earth.
Psalm 121:1