It was our last morning at the beach just a few weeks ago, and I had never gotten up early enough to watch the sunrise. So I decided that this particular morning I would get up early and head to the inlet over which the sun had come up faithfully every morning. My friend’s pictures of the sunrise from the day before we amazing, and I just knew I had to see it firsthand.
Of course, as God would have it, the sky was filled with clouds. Dark, thick clouds covered the entire inlet corner from where I knew the sun would be rising! As I sat there, I couldn’t help but think that this was not an accident. God wanted me there on this morning and this morning alone, because He had something to say to me that was very personal. So, I sat and watched the clouds. I watched and watched wondering if eventually the sun would be up overhead and I would never even know when it popped over the trees in front of it. And then it happened! Small pieces of orange and yellow started to appear from within the clouds. I was witnessing the sunrise in spite of the dark clouds! Many people stood around on the beach looking up at this site, and I felt that many might be disappointed that they were up early and not seeing the magnificent sunrise of an uncloudy day. My heart was pounding as I wanted to scream across the bay, “This sunrise is for me! God is reminding me that His Son still shines on my cloudy days!” Don’t be disappointed. Be thankful! We have a faithful sun that rises in spite of the weather, and we have a Faithful Son that rose to get us through all types of weather! Oh, it was a great morning for me!
I will forever be thankful for this treasured sunrise.
Just a few days before this, I had been reading in Proverbs 2:
1 My son, if you accept my words and store up my commands within you,
2 turning your ear to wisdom and applying your heart to understanding,
3 and if you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding,
4 and if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure,
5 then you will understand the fear of the LORD and find the knowledge of God.
Later that same morning, I walked past this shovel standing alone in the sand of the beach and couldn’t help but recall the words of Proverbs that said in order to find the knowledge of God we must “search for it as for hidden treasure.”

Oh, God speaks. He speaks through cloudy sunrises. He speaks through solitary shovels. If we are seeking, we will find treasures! Treasures from God. As I sit here in the wee hours of the morning praying earnestly for Nick’s health, I am seeking peace. I am seeking God’s healing power of my son’s body.
I know that God has treasures in store.
Psalm 63:6-8 says,
6 On my bed I remember you; I think of you through the watches of the night.
7 Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings.
8 My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me.
Tonight I am seeking God’s right hand to uphold me. I know He will be faithful.
It’s so awesome how God gives you little things to show you His power, His faithfulness and His great love for you. I thought it was cool too how He gave you this portion of scripture that says you will sing “in the shadow of His wings” just after all those birds flew overhead. You are in the shadow if His wings and He covers you with His love. He is right there with you walking along beside you. He truly is your God and He will continue to strengthen you and help you. He will continue to hold you up with His victorious right hand.
As you’re driving along even in this very moment I pray for His strength and grace to envelope you and that you would sense His presence and guidance every moment of your day.
We love you & Nick so very much and will continue to pray for you throughout the day.
Many, many blessings to you,
Early morning in Pa here. Clicked the link from Lysa Terkeurst.
I have cried so many tears for cancer…first time when I was 15. I am tearfully unable to share anything but that I will extend another voice to God for healing!
Thank you for being such a courageous and faith-filled voice!
Tammy, I am so thankful I stopped by Lisa TerKeurst’s blog this morning. I had come by here awhile back and told you I would be praying for Nick. I have. But, I couldn’t remember how I had gotten to your blog.
My heart goes out to you and your family. What an amazing son you have!
I want you to know that I am praying for his health and your families peace of mind with whatever God’s will is. I ALWAYS pray for God’s will to be done- that way no matter the outcome I know it is His will.
I also want you to know that when I say I’ll pray…I pray!
It is in the wee hours of the morning and I am going to be done reading anymore blogs. I’m crawling back in bed and crying out to our Lord for your son.
All my love, Cheri
What a beautiful reminder of God’s constant love, even during dark times.
I pray for strength for you, and for miracles for your son.
My nephew was given 5 years to live at the age of 5…he is now 13 and has been told he may live to be an old man. He has pulmonary hypertension. Miracles can happen. Medical advances can happen.
God loves you very much. Continue to keep your eyes focused up ways, so you can see the Son, through the clouds.
Coming from Lysa’s blog.
What a beautiful account of your time with God at the beach. I find some of my most precious time spent with God at the beach also. I long to go back each year.
I will pray for Nick today and continue praying for him. I pray for strength for him and you. I will pray for healing. Bless you and your family.
Praying Tammy!
Tammy, praying for you, your family and especially for Nick.
Just finished my quiet time with the Lord before coming on the computer and want to share the theme verse of my devotional today, “I am GOD your healer”. Exodus 15:26 (MSG)
Trusting Him with all that concerns you today,
Love & prayers,
I’m visiting you from Lysa’s blog. What beautiful pictures and beautiful words from you. It really shows your wonderful heart.
I pray for your family, particularly Nick. I know he is battling but praise God, he’s not doing it alone. God is always there, bearing the banner high for Nick and for you.
Blessings and grace to you and your family.
Lysa sent me here. I am saying a prayer for you and your precious son, Nick. I loved reading your “God Moments” this morning. I love how God always puts the right people and the right “treasures” in the right place when we need them the most. That was a beautiful sunrise! And He did it just for you.
Thank you for sharing and I will be thinking of you and reading more about your journey.
Laurie in TN
Dear Tammy,
Will be bringing Nick, you and your family to God’s throne of grace today and continually in prayer. May HIS faithfulness, peace, love and mercy fill your hearts and your home. May our Healer bring miracles and new life in unimaginable ways to your son and your family.
“Therefore, we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.
For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.
So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”
2 Corinthians 4:16-18
Many prayers and warm hugs,
From Lysa’s blog ~
You and your family is in my prayers today. We serve a Great God and He is willing and able to supply ALL our needs.
Your post brought tears to my eyes and an urgency to my heart to pray for your family, especially Nick. I did that this morning. Please know that you will be in my thoughts and prayers as you journey through this deep valley.
May you experience today the power of collective and purposeful prayer. May you experience unexplanable joy. May you rest in the fact that He is God and loves Nick more than you do. May your heart be full of the peace, only He can provide. May you continue to recognize Him, like you did in this post, in things that may seem ordinary to others. May He be so close to you that you feel His breath on your neck.
And please know that a sister in North Carolina who may never meet you this side of heaven will be lifting you up, even when you don’t know I am. And I know there will be many others, as well.
I heard your heart in this post, Tammy. Please know that I care.
That sunrise was just for you. The Lord is so personal. I am honored to pray for Nick, you, and your family. Table 35 needs more chairs. God is calling for your sisters to pray. We are. Lean on Him.
Tammy-I have some over from Lysa’s blog and with tears in my eyes I read this entry and praise God that He has so captured you heart, even in this most painful and difficult times. I am praying for you, your son, your family. Keep walking in faith, keep focused on God and rest in our love and prayers. He is in control but like at a great game, you need a group of players, cheerleaders and fans to get to the goal line-thats what we will be for you and your family in this journey.
In His Graces~Pamela
What a beautiful post. I loved Nick the moment Lysa mentioned him. Gazing at his picture on your site, I thought of Jeremiah 29:11-13. Isn’t it marvelous to know that no matter how much we love him, God loves him more?!
I will be lifting you and Nick (and your family) up to God in prayer this week. What a privilege.
Thank you for sharing these thoughts about God’s provision for each one of us in specific and personal ways.
Today I stand alongside you, Nick, and your family as you tread through the murky waters of uncertainty in regards to Nick’s health.
I have a Nick, too, so everytime I look at him today, I will breathe a prayer to God for his peace to be your portion in the midst of seeming chaos.
Tammy, saying a special prayer for your son this morning. I linked from Lysa’s blog. God bless you and keep you.
What an amazing story. There is nothing like a beach side sunrise, especially when it is just for you. What a kiss from Heaven!
I am praying for God to fill you with His strength. I am also praying for Nick. I look forward to reading your Blog and I am so glad that Lisa TerKeurst sent us your way. Blessings to you and your precious family!
Praying for your family!
I also popped over from Lysa’s blog! You writing is inspirational…thank you for sharing your “kiss from God” with all of us!
I will be praying for your son, Nick. I cannot imagine this situation but God knows so much more than I need to!
Pamela in TX
Hi Tammy, You and I met at She Speaks and I felt I had made an instant friend. I don’t have all the right words to say today, but I do know that God loves your Nick so much and He’s wrapping Him tight in His arms today. I pray that you are wrapped just as snug in your Abba Daddy’s arms.
Praying for you and Nick today and I will continue to pray! Loved the thumbs up cloud! Haven’t read too much of your site yet but wanted you to know that friends from afar are standing with you in prayer.
Carol, from Ontario, Canada.
Tammy, I’m here from Lysa’s blog.
I am praying for you and Nick today. This is the fourth anniversary of our daughter’s
death, and I know it is no coinsidence that I found your blog today. Our God has taught me to “set my mind on things above and not on the things of this earth” is a privilege to pray
for one another and to share their burdens. Press on dear sister, you are not alone in this battle!
Susan Harris
Goodlettsville, TN
Lord God, I love you and I am so grateful for your Word and the refuge it provides for Your children. I thank you Nick and I praise Your Name for his healing and for the glory it brings to You.
You are our source for all things and I am so grateful that there is no other name in heaven and earth that we call upon. Bless Nick and his family today Lord, remind them that You are strong in them and You will have Your way. In Jesus Name, amen.
Praying for you and your family.
Your story has brought weeping to my heart. I am praying for you, Nick, and the rest of your family all day today.
Praise God for his many blessings-
Funny thing about Christians. . .in never meeting, we still have an unshakeable bond. Praying for you and your son today. Knowing in just reading your blog that you’ll give all honor to the Father no matter what. Praying God honors such a heart. From one Kentucky mom to another ~ Stacy
I am and will be praying for your son Nick. You are an amazing example of how God sustains us in the darkest of times. I am believing with you that the sun will come out and shine for a long, long time in Nick’s life and what a testimony he will have!
Be blessed!
May God bless your family as you seek Him in this very difficult situation. I will be praying for Nick just as we prayed for a boy we love with leukemia. He has been healed and is in remission and I believe the same for your Nick. May God continue to hold you in His comforting arms and my you feel His love like never before.
Christie Todd
I’m praying for Nick’s health and that God will guard your hearts and minds with the peace of Christ which surpasses all understanding.
Just know that you are being uplifted in prayer during this difficult time by people you don’t even know. God has an awesome plan for Nick–I am thankful I ran across your blog and that I have the privilege to pray for you.
Tammy – I too came over from Lysa T.’s and I am so glad I did and so overwhelmed. You are so clearly walking with our Savior so closely that all you see is evidence of His love and presence. I am praying for Nick and for your family.
Praying for you!
Dear Father, You are full of mercy and compassion for Nick. He is suffering and needs Your
healing. Because of Your unfailing mercy and compassion, I plead that You will release Your healing power in Nick’s life. I ask that You would heal Nick as a concrete expression of Your mercy and
compassion (2 Corinthians 1:3; Lamentations 3:22-23). Father, You are the God who has the power to take sickness away from Nick. I plead in the name of Jesus
that You would remove cancer from
Nick’s life (Exodus 23:25). Lord I pray for good test results from Nick’s doctors. Please give Nick and his family peace as they trust in your plan for his life. In the mighty and powerful name of Jesus, amen.
My heart is full for you and your precious family today. I am praising God for showing Himself faithful to you and for how you are seeking Him “in the midst” of the storms of life.
Blessings & Prayers,
Tammy, just dropped by from Lisa at P31 to let you know I’m praying for you and Nick today. I’ve had my own battle with cancer. I’m firmly convinced that it’s much more difficult to watch a loved one suffer than to be there oneself. During an illness, there is a sense of God’s presence that is incredible. At times I’m sure that God was physically there with me. I know that Nick experiences that too.
Praying for you that God will bring you peace, even in the midst of this suffering!
Tammy, I just linked here from Lysa’s blog and I have to say that your post touched me.
Praying for your Nick’s healing and for your precious family. May you continue to see the Son through the clouds.
Hi Tammy,
I came here via Lysa’s blog. Just wanted you to know that I am praying for your son Nick. I pray that you feel God’s peace and strength for each day.
I came over from Lysa’s blog. Praying for Nick!
How Wonderful. Thanks fro sharing. Yall will be in our prayers.
I’m really not a blogger, but I feel absolutely compelled to let you know that I prayed for you, and for Nick, this morning as I stumbled upon your site. You posts have brought tears to my eyes. We serve a great and mighty God, the ultimate healer and physician. I pray that he does an amazing work in Nick’s life and body, and in your family this day. Know that thousands are surrounding you and lifting you up in prayer today. You are loved.
Ontario, Canada
Heavenly Father,
I come before you today to praise you that you hold this famiy in the palm of your hand even now. I praise you that you have brought them to you in order that you might protect them in the midst of all of this.
Now Father, I ask for two things…
-perfect healing for Nick. It’s not beyond you to grant such a miracle and Father I am bodly asking for it.
-peace for him and his family. Let them rest in you. Let them not worry about tomorrow as today has worries enough of its own. Let them enjoy their time together in the midst of such stress and strife.
We know that you are “especially fond” of all of us. Father I ask that you make this family feel that today.
In your Son’s name… Amen
Father, Great Creator, You WHo lovingly formed Nick, created each cell, let it please You to bring restoration to Nick’s body, each cell that has gone awry. For Your renown,Lord, for Your glory. Let Your comfort and grace and provision be like a pillar of cloud over this family, shrouding them as in a cocoon in Your tender grace. What enormous faith You have in Your child to entrust him with this. Guard him from any medical incompetence as You show Yourself competent to heal and restore. I release this family to you. Now to You, O God, who is ble to do so much more than we could ever ask or imagine, to You, O God, be the glory forever and ever. Amen.
Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything; tell God your needs, and don’t forget to thank him for his answers. Phillipians 4:6
Hi Tammy,
I will be praying for you, your son, and your family. My husband is currently in remission. I can empathize with what you must be going through. The above verse really helped me during the darkest times. I hope that it will do the same for you.
God Bless!
Tammy & Nick,
This is my first visit to your blog and I must say, it was absolutely breathtaking. I am going thru a tough time right now in my marriage, but nothing that God can’t see us through, and your words along with the beautiful music just lifted my heart, and reminded me that God is ALWAYS there, especially in the trials. However, I want to uplift you and Nick and let you know that we ( me and my children, ages 11, 8, and 5) will be praying for Nick. I pray that God will infiltrate Nick’s veins and rid his body of this awful thing. I pray that God’s presence will be even more powerful than it has ever been and that Nick will be comforted, along with his family. I pray that God’s presence will be felt in every minute of every day and that He will be your rock, your strength, your peace and your great Physician.
Tammy, thank you for your words this morning. God has used you in a mighty way in my life just this today….
May He wrap you in His arms..
I am one of the many who have come to stand with you from Lysa’s blog.
I know about how strong a mother’s prayer is for their child. My mom prayed for every breath I would take the first 5 years of my life…on secound thought…all 46 years of my life. I think I will call her today and ask her to pray for Nick also.
Dear Lord,
I pray that you will give Tammy a double portion of peace and contentment. I pray she will feel the strength of your children as we lift her and Nick up to you today. I pray that like that beautiful sunrise in the midst of the clouds, you will give her joy in the midst of her day. May you provide an extra measure of help not just from those of us through the bloggy world but real arms to hold her. Real hands to do something for her. Real mouths to make her laugh and real ears to listen to her heart. Real eyes that will see needs she has that she may not even see anymore. May you choose friends, family members, and neighbors to be your body for her and Nick today.
Lord I too stand with my sister as she asks for healing for her son.
Lord Jesus infiltrate every cell in Nick’s body the good and the bad with your presence. So that Nick Knows fully just who his body belongs to…it belongs to the Lord Jesus.
May you be glorified today in the hearts of this family and may we all shout praises today…not just when results of our prayers are seen, but today we will in faith shout praises of joy!
In the healing and loving Name of Jesus,
Amen and Amen
Pamela R.
Dear Father God please hold this family in your arms, and please hold tight. May You be bigger than ever. For these are your children and you are their daddy and they so need your strength, love and encouragement right now! Amen
Great insights Tammy. Many people would have seen the clouds and turned their back to God. But you, sweet child, waited for the blessing. That reveals your true heart and shows your deep relationship with Christ. Thank you for sharing.
I came from Lysa’s blog. Stopped for a moment to pray for your boy! Reaching up with you to touch the hem of His garment! Just reading your blog gives a window into your soul and your immense love for the Word of God and for the Living Word! I asked God to give me a verse for you and I’ll take the liberty to say that this is what He said to me for you. 2Chron 32:7 – there is a greater power with you Tammy, the arm of your beautiful God. Your God takes your right hand to help you through this Isaiah 41:13 and give you water in your desert 41:18. You look to HIM and you are radiant Psalm 34:5. His arm is not too short for you isaiah 50:2-4 and that’s so obvious from your blog. And when you lack the strength, your sovereign LORD will awaken you each morning to listen. I love the way you always return to your God and expect HIM to do much—He already has in your life and He will. Oh yes, He will – Hosea 12:6 beautiful girl!
Tammy, That is an absolutely beautiful post. God speaks to me that way, too. We only have to look for Him, He is always there waiting to talk to us.
I lift Nick and your entire family up to His throne today. May He grant healing to Nick’s body and bless Him with peace and restore Him in every way.
God, I lay this precious family on Your altar and ask that you give them a miracle today. Give Nick a fresh start with a healthy body so that He may make a difference in this world by serving You with long life on this earth. May all Your world see Nick’s healing and acknowledge Your awesome power.
We give You the glory, honor and praise as we ask all these things in Jesus’ precious name.
Love and many blessings,
Wow, you’ve really got the comments today, huh? I see as I scrolled through some of them you must’ve posted a comment on Lysa’s blog. I’ll have to check that out.
Praying for you and for Nick’s healing.
Love ya,
Found you through Lysa. Peace and grace to you sister. Offering a prayer for your family right now.
Dear Tammy,
I was led to your blog after reading Lysa’s blog. Please know that I will pray for Nick, you, and your family. I pray that God’s grace and strength will be with all of you at this difficult time. May God’s peace settle upon you. I pray that the prognosis is good for Nick.
In His graces,
Tammy…praying for your sweet family and sweet Nick!! God is good..stay strong!!
Missy in WA (state)
Just dropping in from Lysa’s blog to let you know that I am joining with all of your other sisters-in-Christ and lifting up prayer for Nick today. From looking at his blog he seems to be such a trooper with high spirits.
Hold fast to the truth that God is revealing to you during this difficult time and keep reminding yourself that God love you and He loves Nick!
God bless!
Praying for you and Nick and your whole family!!
Hi Tammy,
Came over from Lysa’s blog. Praying for your sweet boy right now!!
That Nick has an incredible smile!!!
Almighty God,
Hear all these prayers today for this young man Nick. There are so many women asking in YOUR name to heal this boy. We believe that you can heal him. We believe that you are using him and his family for YOUR glory. And we know that you work all things for good. You are an amazing God!!! Please give Nick and his family the peace and strength that they need today. Wrap your loving arms around them and comfort them. And may they be a light to those that they come in contact with. I ask all these things in your precious and most holy name.
Wanted you to know that I’ve prayed for you, your family, and especially Nick today.
May you each see God and His glory through this circumstance.
Warmly ~ Rachel
Thank you for sharing your beautiful story with us. My eyes flushed with tears for your endurance. I’ve barried myself in this hole of my own burdens, thinking that no one else has deeper problems to endure. And, yet you’re here giving God the glory for all the pain you’re enduring. I’m so sorry you have to go through so much. I wish I can lift off all the pains you’re experiencing and yet I am powerless. I pray that you will be lifted through this truth: Isaiah 43:2. God bless you.
Father God, You promised to walk us through life’s journey. I don’t understand the pain Nick has to endure. All I know is that You called him to Your specific purpose. That in the end You will glorify him. I pray healing, strength and encouragement for Nick and his family, especially his mother, Tammy. Let these contractions of pain that Tammy is experiencing become a jewel of refreshment in time. Lord, God, You are our strong tower in times of need. You know my desire for Nick is healing and for Tammy, strength. But, as Your ways are higher than my ways and Your thoughts than my thoughts, I pray, never as my will, but Yours be done. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Here in celebration of Lysa’s blogging anniversary; what a lovely way to celebrate by directing us to YOU.
What a precious testimony you’re living and recording! I cannot imagine walking in your shoes, but I’m thankful to be able to pray for you, Nick and your whole family. I so wish our paths had crossed at SheSpeaks, but our hearts did :).
Peace, dear one…
Hi Tammy,
I’m visiting from Lysa’s blog – LOVED your post and the photos.
I pray that God intervenes in His mighty power for your sweet son.
May the Lord continue to strengthen, uphold and encourage you and your entire family.
I just prayed for you and Nick and will continue to do so. My hope is that your heart is blessed knowing that so many of us have lifted your family up before our awesome God. Your son is loved by many moms today!
Coming over from Lysa’s blog.. praying for you and Nick. Praying that the scan results come out for God’s glory.
May he bless you today and everyday.
(btw, Nick’s website won’t let me in now, exceeded it’s daily limit) so please let him know we are praying.
Heather (and family)
Hi Tammy, my sister,
I came here from Lysa’s blog. I am lifting Nick and all of your family up to our Father as you fight this battle. He will give you all the strength, peace and comfort you need throughout this difficult journey. Of course, you already know that, but if you’re like me, you need a reminder now and then when it all weighs down on you. His grace is sufficient, and I pray He will pour His grace over you abundantly today.
Blessings to you…
Came here from Lysa’s blog and your post brought tears to my eyes. We all have our own dark cloud moments and the remider you gave pierced my heart.
Praying that God will continue to work through you and your family and lifting Nick up to our mighty healer, claiming His victory over Nick’s body.
Many blessings to you….
Thanks for sharing your beautiful sunrise story. What a precious gift God gave you that day, he is sooo good! I am joining my prayers with the throngs of others being lifted on behalf of you and Nick and your family.
Grace and peace…
Sweet Sister In Christ,
It is simply amazing to me how I came to your blog (through Lysa’s) to hopefully bless you with a word of encouragement and instead I am the one that is tremendously blessed by your words. What faith you have that is why I am certain God has continually shown you constant reminders of His grace. Oh how I wish every single one of us ladies commenting on your blog today could join hands around you and pray with you, wait with you and hug you! I am certain of this though we are all praying.And I pray that you will truly feel our loving heavenly daddy’s arms around you this week.
Sweet sweet blessings to you and your family.
Margaret, NC
Dear Tammy,
Coming to visit you via Lysa’s blog …..As you can see there is strength in numbers …. Women who care enough to be prayer warriors on a minutes notice ….. May you feel God’s strength and peace as never before in abundance today as you, Nick and your family are being lifted up in prayers…… We do not always know why certain things happen but are assured that God has a plan and a purpose for each occurrence He allows to enter our lives …
Hold onto my life verse today …
Luke 1:37 For with God nothing shall be impossible …..
Blessings to you,
A sister in Christ from
South Shore Ky
I came from Lysa’s site. My father God I lift up Nick to you. I pray for earthly healing but I know you know best. If not earthly healing then engulf this family with a blanket of comfort for the storm that rages in his body, I pray for peace and comfort for the rest of the family. I love and trust you in all things.AMEN
Your sister in
Hey, Tammy! I’m visiting from Lysa’s site today. I know that the collective prayer time was yesterday, but I am lifting up y’all now as well. Keep the faith…our God is awesome!
Much love,
I’m also a visitor from Lysa’s blog.
I tried to go to Nick’s site, but it’s overloaded! I’ll try again later. I’m struggling with prayer right now so I just prayed through the prayers that people wrote in the comments. Thankfully God understands and He knows our hearts!
May He bless you to overflowing today.
My heart goes out to you, I am and will be praying for Nick.
I decided 3 days ago to read Psalm 63 everyday for a week. His Word is Life.
Kelly in TN
I am also stopping over from Lysa’s blog. Even in the pain of your son’s illness, reading your blog and listening to the beautiful music provides such a feeling of encouragment and peace. Know I will be praying for Nick and for the whole family as you walk this difficult path.
I am sending up prayers for you and your family, especially precious Nick. I am praying for healing!
Blessings to you all….
Proverbs 3:5-6
Clicked the link from Lysa Terkeurst. You, your family and your son Nick are in my prayers. May God sustain you when you are weak and wrap his comfort around you like a warm blanket.
A prayer for Nick today, from my heart to God’s.
Oh God, please restore Nick’s health, honor his patience and his faith. Please restore him to full health, in this life, on this earth, on this day.
My prayers are with you and your family. I just love the way God brings us to just the right sister at just the right time.
Lifting you up,
Visiting your blog via Lysa’s. What a great story of God’s sunrise/Son rise. He is so good to us, so faithful- as you know. He is so generous in showing His love to us.
I pray He will hold you, carry you as you face this painful time with your child. I pray He will give you encouragement and embrace you, lavishing His grace upon you.
I will be praying for you and your precious son. It is a privilege to intercede on your behalf. Thank you for sharing your heart with us.
In His Love- Julie
I am also here after reading Lysa’s blog, that I was sent to from Alyssa. Whatever it takes to get many hands up in prayer for your son. I can’t even imagine what it must be like. I have just said a little prayer and will keep you, your son and your family in my prayers.
I wanted to let you know, we may have never met but through the wonderful world of bloggin I have been lead to your page and today am greatly lifting you and your family up n prayer and my heart is crying out to Jesus with you.
Hi Tammy,
I am so grateful to you for the many times God has spoken to me through your blog. It is truly an honor to pray for Nick and for your family. My precious boy is also named Nick. It is definitely true that having children is like having your heart walk around outside your body. Please know that, from this moment forward, each time that I pray for my Nick throughout the day (and the days ahead), I will be praying for your Nick too. I will lift them up together.
Love and Blessings,
I popped in from Lysa’s site and want you to know that my family and I are praying for your family and in particular, your son Nick. You have blessed me so today with your beautiful blog entry. I have bookmarked your blog and will join you in daily prayer. May you be touched today by the love and peace of Jesus.
You are such a source of inspiration for so many! It never fails to amaze me the way that God is using you to minister to others in your own time of fear. Know that we are all praying for you… Nick’s name is mentioned often at our Church, and we are all believing that GOd will help and be with you all!
Praying for God to continue to carry you, Nick and your whole family throughout this journey. HE is your strength.
Thank you for sharing how God blessed you with that experience of the sunrise. “His Son still shines on my cloudy days!” I will definitely remember that powerful sentence!
I pray that you will feel yourself surrounded with God’s love and comfort, and I pray that for Nick, too, along with God’s healing.
I have prayed for you and your son. God bless you all. Thank you for sharing your deep faith with others.
God is faithful and so many people are praying for your precious family. YOur faith is inspiring!
I am praying for you as only a mother can do. I pray God will cover you with His love. May God pour His blessings out over Nick.
Dear Tammy,
I read your profile and you inspire me. I have lost a child through stillbirth when I was 6 1/2 months pregnant. I have three children and have gone through some serious illnesses. However, nothing like what you have gone through. I know from the couple of weeks that my children were sick, it was heartwrenching, to just want them to feel better, to want to take their pain and place it upon myself.
I pray that the Lord lifts you and your family up through this time. I pray that he gives Nick’s doctors the wisdom and knowledge they need to help him. I pray that God will place his ever healing hands on your son. I pray that God holds your family in his hands and carries you through this trial.
You are in my thoughts and prayers,
With all God’s love,
Julie B.
My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family
I came over from Lysa’s blog today. I had visited your blog last week and read about your son Nick and his recurrent bout with brain cancer. I am so sorry to hear that it is back. I have never had to face cancer with my children so I can’t say that I know how you feel. However, I do have a grown son who had part of the right temporal lobe of his brain damaged from an IED that exploded while he was on his second tour of duty in Iraq while serving in the Marine Corps. He has recouperated well as far as you can see on the outside……but he has so many things on the inside that will never ever be the same for him and that he has to deal with on a daily basis.
I have prayed for your son Nick today. I hope that God will heal him. But if that’s not possible,I pray He will give Nick and you and your family GRACE as you go through treatments or surgeries! Mainly I pray that you will feel the love and support of the arms of Jesus around you during this stressful time. And rest in the knowledge that others are praying. When our son was in Iraq in harm’s way for almost 2 years there were times when I felt like I could not get a prayer through I was so stressed. But during those times I felt so strongly the prayers of others. I pray that you will feel this from all these ladies who have left comments saying they are praying.
May God bless and help you!
Marilyn in Mississippi
Hi Tammy! Thank you so much for this post and the reminder that it was for me.
I will pray for your son and for your family.
I’m here from Lysa’s blog! 🙂
Darlene~ Indiana
God bless you and your family.
Hi, Tammy. I LOVE your post; you are SOOOOOOOOO right – God puts the little things there for US. He speaks when we finally, finally pay attention!! What a great post!
I’m here from Lysa’s blog. I’m so glad she posted about your struggle with Nick; it’s such an honor to come to the Father with you. May you feel God’s loving arms upholding you in all the battle to come; may you be wrapped in His peace, given His grace, and always be able to find His blessings in the midst of the storms. May Nick be touched by His healing hand!!! May your family grow together as only adversity can make that happen; may you know laughter and cherish each memory of moments together.
I’m not very far away, really, as far as IRL goes – I’m outside of Nashville. 🙂 If you ever need a getaway, please let me know!
I just read about you on Lysa’s blog. As the mom of three boys, I can imagine how painful it would be to watch one of my boys suffer through such a cruel disease. This is my prayer for you:
Lord Jesus,
It’s incredible how life can be so beautiful yet so painful at the same time. My heart aches for Tammy, Nick, and their family as they battle this cancer.
I pray that You would sustain this family as only You can. When they feel they can’t go on another day, fill them with a firm resolve to allow you to be glorified in their joy and in their pain. I pray that You would allow Nick’s medical treatment be effective against the cancer. Give him the energy and determination he needs to rest in Your arms while You fight for him. May the encouragement Tammy has received through this blog remind her of Your faithfulness and how you use other people to minister Your love and peace. Bless this family in the name of Jesus, AMEN
Loving you and praying for you always. I am so in awe of God and what he has done here today. I spent the morning praising him for Nick and you, Lysa and all these women who took time to pray for you today and share words of encouragement with you.
It is so amazing to watch God’s love being poured out for you and Nick through these amazing godly women rallying around you.
I hope you are feeling his peace, love and presence right now and let us know how to keep our prayers as specific as Nick needs them to be.
I hope Nick see’s here how much God loves him and has a very special purpose for him.
Loving you!
Laurie-your front porch sister
As I crawl into bed tonight, my prayers will be for you, Nick and your entire family.
In Him,
Lynn Cowell
wow..what a blessing this post has given to me. Today has been a rough day.
I am praying for you. A simple heart-felt cry to Jehovah-rapha (the Lord who heals). And a shout of praise to El Roi (the God who sees). Love and prayers for you Nick and your family as well.
Please know that I am praying for Nick and the family. I earnestly pray that God’s strong and beautiful hands will continue to lift your eyes to Him. I pray for Nick and his health. I pray that God’s healing hands will be upon him.
Thanks for shaing your thoughts and faithfulness with us!
Jill D
I’m linking over here from Lysa’s page and my heart just aches for you. You are a beautiful woman. I can see Jesus in you just through your writing and pictures. God bless you sister in Christ! And I’m certainly lifting you, your son, and your family up to our Savior!
Tammy, I have prayed for your sweet boy today and ask God for a complete healing…He is faithful and able. Boys are sooooo special, especially to their mama’s and I pray you feel God’s comfort. A P31 sister, Shari
Do you want to know how many people are praying for Nick?! I just clicked on his picture to go to his website and it said it has “exceeded its daily traffic limit”! That is awesome! I am looking forward to looking at it tomorrow morning.
I popped over to Lysa’s blog and saw a request to pray and post for you. I actually posted here a few months back, and you and I exchanged a few e-mails (I, too, lost a child and we bonded over that.)
It’s funny, because I almost NEVER read blogs, much less post on one (except Lysa’s). Yet God has led me here twice.
Please know, I think of your son often. I will pray for him extra hard this week. God is truly amazing…bigger than we can even imagine. I know He sees you and hears every one of your precious prayers.
Psalm 73:23-26
From a mommy who has also desperately prayed for her son,
Sandy Cooper
I’m committing to pray for your family!
Praying for Nick and praying for you as you help guide him through this season of his life. He sounds like an amazing child.
Lord God Jehovah Rophe reign over Nick’s life and healing right now. Cover him, cover him. Amaze us Lord. Strengthen his body, strengthen his spirit.
Provide Lord, provide all and everything that this family needs right now.
I found you on Lysa Terkeurst’s blog and want you to know I will pray for Nick today.
To encourage you, I clicked on his picture this morning to read about NIck and it said “this site has exceeded its daily traffic limit”! Many people are lifting you and your family up today.
No words can express what my heart feels for you knowing your child is suffering so. As moms we want to nurture and protect our children.
God must love Nick an awful lot to choose him for this calling. Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the thoughts I have for you”, declares the Lord”, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you an expected end.”
God knows our beginning and our end- the Alpha and the Omega!
God Bless,
I popped over to your blog from Lisa terquerst’s. My goal was to leave you with an encouraging word but instead I’m the one who’s encouraged. You see, three years ago my son was diagnosed with a fatal and incurable disease. We went from hospital to hospital and drove miles & miles seeing every type of specialist who could help. My son endured treatments and tests that were tortuous to him. It was heartbreaking to watch. Then the day before he was to be admitted into ICU for a 6 week minimum stay God decided to fianlly heal him – completely! It was a total miracle.
I too have been healed of cancer. Shortly before I got married I was diagnosed with it & the treatments and surgeries left me infertile, or so the doctors said. The day I was scheduled to have a hysterectomy God decided to heal me as well and I ended up not having the surgery. The doctors couldn’t explain it and a few years later my son, who I was told would never be, was born.
Forgive me for going on and on about my life, but I wanted you to know that I firmly believe God heals cancer because I’ve seen it in my own life and I firmly believe you can see a miracle take place in your son because I’ve seen it in my own son’s life.
Prayer for your son and your family is my top priority today. It’s been a year since my sons healing and I realized today that there are times when I simply forget, as though it never happened, and I pray that when your family is through this you’ll never forget, as I sometimes do, how miraculous God is and just what He did for your family.
Tammy, I have just popped over from Lysa’s blogspot. As I read about your son, Nick, God instantly reminded me of Romans 5:1-5. I have a friend battling cancer and he has claimed these verses. He told us to read them over and over and over and to listen to God speak to us through them. He just emailed these verses out today – and then I read about you and your precious son. That is SO NOT a coincidence! God is moving! That is encouraging! I have already lifted your son, Nick, up to God in prayer with my very raw, very compassion-filled Mother’s Heart. I will continue to do so. God bless you all and know that so many people are praying for your family! Love, Heather (Clayton NC)
I was having a moment with the Lord today in worship and you came to mind (as I’ve read Lisa’s blog). I believe that the Lord wants me to tell you that He is pleased with you and that your heart is clean just like the verse you have posted on your front page. We don’t always understand why we have to go through certain situations and sometimes they seem more than we can possibly bear. Just know that I care and that the Lord is well pleased with you.
Praying to God for strength for you and healing for Nick. May He grace your life to overflowing with His presence.
From Lysa’s blog, Yvonne
I visited your blog, by way of Lysa TerKeurst’s blog, to let you know I am praying for you and Nick. I was blessed and encouraged by your post. Thank you!
I love how God spoke to you so intimately. He does that for me too and I am overwhelmed by his love.
God bless you as you cling to Him through the storm.
Lifting you, your son, and your family up to Jesus right now.
Standing with you in prayer…BELIEVING God for His faithfulness!
Hi Tammy,
I found your blog through Lysa TerKeurst, and I wanted to let you know that I am praying for your family. What an encouragement it is for others to read the struggles you face and yet see the hope that you have, and how you share it so freely with others. You are a blessing!
Love those sunrises at the beach…
God ordained time with HIM….