Because Birthdays In Heaven Are Significant Too
Blogging through the Bible is more challenging than I ever dreamed. Some mornings when I read, I find myself staring at the chapters I've just read and wondering, "What in the world do these words have to do with us today?" This morning I finished the book of Numbers....

Birds of a Feather “Flock” Together
The first time I made it through the entire Bible was 2009, the year after Nick passed away. I remember reaching these particular chapters in Numbers and finding myself upset. I didn't know what to do with God's command to annihilate the Midianites. I remember walking...

When The Old Testament Doesn’t Spark Joy
If you're wanting a "feel good" start to your day, reading through the pages of the Old Testament each morning may not be the answer. Stories like the execution of the Israelite leaders who had aligned themselves with Baal won't send you humming a happy tune as you...

I Don’t Want To Miss What Talking Donkeys See
The story of Balaam is deeper than my mind can go this morning. Or my clock will allow. I've reread so many verses and looked at several commentaries and still........... I have questions. Lots of them. Did God ultimately want Balaam to go with Balak's men or not? The...

Because God is the Director
This morning's reading included everything from a staff sprouting to signify Aaron's family as the guards of the sanctuary and the altar to the striking of a rock by an angry Moses as he and Aaron faced the thirsty but once-again grumbling Israelites. This morning's...

Fear Isn’t Always a Bad Thing….But Sometimes It Is
Do you remember the song? "Twelve men went to spy on Canaan. Ten were bad and two were good. What did they see when they got to Canaan? Ten were bad and two were good. Some saw giants big and tall. Some saw grapes in clusters fall. Twelve men went to spy on Canaan....

Because an Empty Glass is Still a Glass
Perspective is powerful. I know this is true. One slight turn of my camera changes everything about what I see through my lens. By choosing to sit on the ground rather than standing on a stool, I capture an entirely different view of what's in front of me. As I read...

The Power of “Even When”
It's only been a year since the Israelites left Egypt. They've seen manna fall from Heaven and people fall from disobedience. They've watched Moses leave and reappear..... several times. They've donated supplies for the building of a temple and offered sacrifices for...

What Holiness Requires
It's easy to read the story of the Israelites in the wilderness and wipe my brow in relief. There was no "choosing-your-tribe-day" in the desert. And there was never a "sign-up sheet in the foyer" for those who were willing to "risk their life" in order to move holy...

Is a Week at the Beach Really Enough?
I wonder if God realized something as He watched the Israelites journey through the wilderness. Did He sense fatigue in their eyes? Notice irritability in their conversations? Remember His own need for a break after creating the world? I'm not sure what happens...