If Every Child Could Know

If Every Child Could Know

Her little feet. Running through our yard. And through our house. It was a summer to remember. Forever. I think about her this morning, experiencing another culture with her mommy and daddy. On the other side of the world. I miss my little Gingersnap. But I also...

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What To Always Remember When Jesus Seems Late

What To Always Remember When Jesus Seems Late

I can see him in my mind. Jairus. A synagogue ruler in his community. A desperate father in the crowd. His daughter, deathly sick, needs more than medicine and Jairus has heard Jesus is in town. Pushing through the crowd, he has one thing on his mind. A miracle from...

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Parables Are Mysterious – Jesus Is Not

Parables Are Mysterious – Jesus Is Not

Viewing life as a story has always been "a thing" for me. Long before learning about the work of Epston and White on narrative therapy, I saw my life as a series of days broken into sections - each with a specific purpose. I  remember sitting with my sister, when one...

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A Man With a Mat Has a Story

A Man With a Mat Has a Story

"Sir, I have no one to help me." the invalid replied when asked, "Do you want to get well? Thirty-eight years is a long time to lie next to the answer to your problem. So Jesus's answer to this man's statement by-passed a long conversation. It was short. To the point....

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Maybe The Healing We Need Isn’t Physical

Maybe The Healing We Need Isn’t Physical

I've read the story a hundred times. A crowded house. Standing room only. Doorways blocked by groups of people gathered around outside. There was definitely something special happening inside these walls. And anyone who knew what was going on wanted to be there too....

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When Living Water Sits Down by a Well

When Living Water Sits Down by a Well

"Jesus, tired as He was from the journey, sat down by the well." John 4:6 Why do I love this image? Jesus - the Son of God, Prince of Peace King of Kings  Lord of Lords Savior of the world and most of all  Living Water sitting by a well. Jesus was weary. The One who...

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He’s Got Your Attention…….Now What?

He’s Got Your Attention…….Now What?

I'm not sure what's going on outside this morning, but the birds seem extra determined to wake up the sun. I see hints of daybreak. A silhouette of the trees begins to form against a pale blue sky. I never doubt this daily transition. Never wonder if night will end. I...

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First Things First

First Things First

I've reached the end of Job once again. I'm not sure why God's instructions to Job surprise me every time I read this last chapter. God is not happy with the words of advice from Job's friends. As a matter of fact, he tells these men to gather animals for burnt...

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Surrender is Scary

Surrender is Scary

Oh, Job, you've never sounded quite so pitiful. This is the first time I've read this particular book in the Bible and actually felt a little compassion for his friends. Job begs for pity as if no one in the world has ever suffered quite like him. He looks around at...

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What If We Stopped?

What If We Stopped?

I knew when I saw this combination of stoplights and stop signs they were more than a message to me as a driver. Two red flashing lights hung over me and stop signs faced me - on each side of the road. This was not a normal intersection. I didn't really understand the...

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