When Fear and Peace Collide

When Fear and Peace Collide

June seems like a strange month to reflect on the birth of Jesus, but, if I'm really honest, the phrase "Jesus is the Reason for the Season," makes me cringe a bit every December. I'm just thinking the last thing Jesus would have wanted His birth to lead...

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When Tattoos Talk and Grandmas Get Some Glory

When Tattoos Talk and Grandmas Get Some Glory

I noticed his arms every time we sat down in the library to work on math. It's not often you see a teenage boy with Betty Boop permanently etched into one arm and  Charlie Brown's friend Lucy etched into the other.   One day, not long before the school year ended, I...

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When the Phone Rings Early and Prayer is The Only Answer

When the Phone Rings Early and Prayer is The Only Answer

The phone rang early Saturday morning, and those kind-of calls rarely mean someone just wants to check in and say, "Hi." As I lay in bed listening to my friend on the other line, my heart ached. She shared about a situation that was affecting her entire family. She...

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When The Only Way To Say Happy Birthday Is By Looking Up

When The Only Way To Say Happy Birthday Is By Looking Up

You would have been 20 today. I can hardly believe it. It seems like yesterday we were watching you jump on the trampoline in the backyard with your buddies. It seems like yesterday you were playing with action figures under the kitchen table and wearing a cape...

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When Your Son is Called

When Your Son is Called

I've heard the phrase "called by God" many times in my life. I've read stories in the Bible about people who God called by name to do very specific things to share His love. But I never really understood what happens when this phrase comes to life. I never really knew...

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An Open Letter to Girls Before Prom

An Open Letter to Girls Before Prom

Dear Girls, Tomorrow is a big day!  You've spent hours looking at dresses and shoes and earrings and hairstyles.   You've spent even more hours talking to each other about what you will wear and who you will take as dates.  You've pinned Pinterest ideas until you...

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A Birthday Tribute to My Man

A Birthday Tribute to My Man

  Fifty years ago today, this guy entered the world. I'm pretty sure God knew from the very beginning he was going to be an easy human being. Content Thankful Happy Trustworthy Humble Optimistic Hard-working Honest Dependable Fair Wise Selfless Kind Gentle Brave...

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Martha’s Friendship and Mother Theresa’s Philosophy

Martha’s Friendship and Mother Theresa’s Philosophy

We've been friends for a quarter of a century. I babysat her children who are now adults. She has been by my side through every tough chapter. When life is hard, I know I can count on her to bring me back to a center place of peace. Last night, I sat by her bed. She...

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I’m Listening, God

I’m Listening, God

Blessed are those whose strength is in you,     whose hearts are set on pilgrimage. As they pass through the Valley of Baca,     they make it a place of springs;     the autumn rains also cover it with pools. They go from strength to strength,     till each appears...

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