If You Want To Feel Alive……..

If You Want To Feel Alive……..

I've stumbled across his name several times today in my reading: Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel A scholar and author, this man knew grief all too well. His sister, Esther, was killed in a bombing in Germany. He mother murdered by the Nazis. His sisters, Gittel and...

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The Thing About Aging

The Thing About Aging

I've done a lot of thinking over the past couple of months about what is really important to me and about who I really am.................deep down to the bone. To be honest, there are days when it is difficult for me to look in the mirror when I know the truth about...

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To You And Every Senior

To You And Every Senior

  It was just yesterday, wasn't it? I opened the mailbox and there you were. Well, it wasn't really you. but your photograph drew me in,  and in less than a second it was like I was standing right there, ready to take that little gift you were holding right out...

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If You’re Worried…….

If You’re Worried…….

There's never a bad time for a good, long walk. But if you're overwhelmed, confused, sad, lonely, or worried, it may be the best time to put on some shoes and head out the door. Whether your walk takes you deep into the woods or down a busy street, walk alone a bit....

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Why I Sometimes Need To Disconnect

Why I Sometimes Need To Disconnect

  If you ever scroll through Facebook or Twitter for a few minutes and really soak in statuses and tweets, you begin to realize just how much we're all longing for a place to be heard.............to have a voice. This summer I've had some face-to-face encounters...

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What Does Failure Look Like??

Have you ever feared failure? Have you ever looked in the mirror and wondered what in the world you're here for or who you really are? It's super easy for me to slip into seasons of self-reflection that quickly lead to doubt and anxiety. I don't like this about...

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When Jesus Has A Price Tag

When Jesus Has A Price Tag

It was the fifth day of our vacation in Dallas, and the agenda for the day included stopping in as many thrift stores as we possibly could. There's something fun about a hunt for unexpected treasures, but it's funny how our idea of "expensive" changed when we had our...

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When Our Father Catches Our Eye

When Our Father Catches Our Eye

       My sister-in-law sent me these pics a couple of days ago. She caught Natalie and David each taking a peek at my brother while he mowed their front lawn. They love their daddy so much, and regardless of how many toys were in the living room at...

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How To Live In The Dark

How To Live In The Dark

 I don't know a lot, but I do know this: Reading news headlines right before crawling into bed is never a good idea. Last night, I looked at my husband as I closed my laptop and said, "I am overwhelmed with fear." I started listing all the things pressing on my chest...

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How Do I Speak Without Adding to the Noise?

How Do I Speak Without Adding to the Noise?

The past two weeks have been filled with all kinds of headline-making news.............. Tragedies Debates Controversies. Social media has been on fire with everything from anguish to celebration anger to joy despair to hope I've occasionally sifted through my...

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