Why We Have To Talk About Sex
It was dark when Olivia and I pulled into the driveway after church one evening several years ago. I remember it like it was yesterday, though, because the car became more than a vehicle in that moment. Suddenly, it was transformed into the perfect place for a...

Reflections on Motherhood
I remember holding Erich in my arms for the very first time. I couldn't believe this little bundle of life had somehow been entrusted to my care. I had no training except for a few babysitting jobs in high school, but none of those jobs had involved a brand new baby....

When She Sees A Beginning But I Can Only See An End
I never thought I would struggle with the thought of an empty nest. I love watching my kids explore the world. I smile when I know they're risking it all to pursue their dreams. I'm a believer in a great, big life for each of our children, and I admire their deep...

My Biggest Fear
I've struggled with a lot of different kinds of fears in my life. I actually remember being terrified of the night sky as a little girl. If you've ever looked up and seen the sky at night in Oklahoma, you understand the overwhelming beauty of endless stars from one...

When Church Is The Hardest Place To Go
I can handle Walmart. Long rows of isolation. A few passers-by and a nod. That's all I have to give as I look for laundry detergent and dog food. But church? There's hugging and laughing, and so much smiling. And people praising God for answered prayers. Then there's...

Your Story Matters
Have you ever read a really great book? Drama Suspense Conflict Turning the page is the only option, because you just have to know what's next. Powerful story lines keep us up all night, and I like to think our life stories are what keep God up, too. When I read...

Laundry, Glue Guns, Daughters, and Grief
Have you ever held a cup in your hands, running over with all things good, and found yourself checking for possible cracks, ways for what you so carefully hold to accidentally slip away? I'm married to a man who can hold a hole-filled bucket up to the sun and create a...

What Every Teacher Needs To Know
You arrive early. Often in the dark. Papers need graded. Copies need made. Boards need filled. And then....................... You stay late. Meetings demand your presence. Lesson plans require your time. In between these dark hours of morning and these late hours of...

The House Cleaning Only God Sees
I climb the dark stairs early. Part of me thinks "maybe I should be starting a load of laundry or unloading the dishwasher," but deep inside I know the real need for cleaning can't be seen by anyone but me......... and God. So I take another step toward the room where...

Make Today Matter
Have you ever rolled over in bed and kind-of dreaded your day? Wished for a different agenda? Longed for a way to run from the things facing you? I don't know about you, but I feel guilty when I feel this way. I read a news story about refugees in search of a safe...