It’s Not About What You Do
If there's one thing I've learned in my fifty years on this planet, it is this: It's not about what you do. It's about who you are. All through high school, I remember struggling with exactly what I wanted to be "when I grew up." Pharmacy was the one career I went...

Why We Should Embrace Our Flaws
It's only January 14th in my chronological Bible reading, and Jacob is already on the scene................ tricking Laban in order to leave the family farm with a bigger flock. I'm amazed at how much deception has already been part of mankind's history. From Eve to...

If You’ve Ever Needed Glue
Yesterday, during Beth Moore's Breaking Free Bible study video, she talked about fiery trials we face in life and how God can use them to burn away things inside of us that are impure or ugly. She then shared a little about her husband Keith's childhood, and the pain...

My Angel Had Wings…………….and Antlers
I'm not a big fan of flying. Actually, it terrifies me every single time I feel the acceleration of the plane and realize I'm quickly leaving the earth's surface and heading into the clouds. As a matter of fact, it wasn't until Nick's Make-A-Wish trip to the Bahamas...

When God Speaks Through A Macro Lens
His message left me speechless, "Please pray for me. I've lost everything I own, and I'm moving into a homeless shelter today." How do I reply to such a message? My heart hurts. I feel so helpless. Prayer can seem so insignificant when someone's need seems so big....

I Want to See What God Saw When Jesus Was Born
My empty computer screen has overwhelmed me lately. My fingers seem to hover over the keys, begging me to create words; but my mind fights back, convincing me that silence is much more needed these days. I wonder if God had a similar wrestling match inside Himself on...

I Am Such A Sheep
If you read my blog from time to time, you know I've been struggling for the past couple of weeks. Giving myself permission to slow down and lean into my grief has been painful, but I believe it's also been necessary. It's easy to stay one step ahead of grief...

When Grief Is Covered In Love
There are a lot of things I don't know. There are even more things I'll never understand. As I've unexpectedly experienced a crashing wave of grief over the past weekend, I've come to realize at an even deeper level that there is nothing in this life that matters more...

When God Uses Spiderman To Send His Love
I really didn't want to go. I texted my associate minister early yesterday morning to see if he would send me notes from his Sunday School lesson and explained that I just didn't think I was up for being around people but I hated to miss his last lesson on the power...

Take a Minute to Set Down Your Fork
It's early on Thanksgiving morning, and our house is filled with sleeping people. In just a few minutes, though, the hustle and bustle of gathering supplies and heading toward Mamaw and Papaw's will shove silence out the door and replace it with conversations...