To My Little Girl In Heaven, My Flower……Happy Birthday and Thank you
This little dandelion caught my eye as I waited to take senior pictures for a friend of mine's son. Isn't life so much like this lone flower? Fragile. Fleeting. Here today. Gone tomorrow. But the seeds of this flower......................who can ever imagine how far...

When A Child Speaks, Listen……….
The line was long in Hobby Lobby as Olivia and I waited to make our purchases. Supplies for a new adventure book for her and Luke that we found on the clearance rack. A couple of baby things on sale we just couldn't pass up for Erich and Mallory. We felt good about...

Tripping Toward Holiness
But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.” I Peter 1:15-16 Holy. Set apart. Consecrated. I picture beautiful stained glass windows and majestic people dressed in white. Perfect. Spotless. Focused...

The Only Way To Really Get Rid of Your Garbage………………..
It's quiet here.................. except for the sound of the garbage truck stopping in front of our house to pick up our trash. It's easy to get rid of some of the things we don't want in our life anymore. Bag them up. Set the out. And wait for the right person to...

Setting The Mood for Love and Finding Him There
As I walked through the thrift store, this bag of plastic hearts caught my eye.................. Marked down to 50% off, $1.50 seemed like a pretty inexpensive way to set the mood for love. My daughter's boyfriend was making the journey all the way from college just...

When Your Title’s In A Toy Drawer
Tim dumped the contents of the drawer onto a towel while replacing the old drawer knob with a new one. I followed behind and sorted through what to keep and what to throw away. The toy drawer has been part of our kitchen since the boys were little; but over the years,...

When You’re Stranded………..
I should have known when I ran back upstairs to get a set of CDs to listen to on the way to Louisville.....................and grabbed this series of sermons................ "Don't panic. This is just a test." Yep. I should have known. Leaving early to...

The Cloud With No Voice
"When Moses went up on the mountain, a cloud covered it." Exodous 24:15 I wonder what was going through Moses' mind as he climbed Mount Sinai. A sea of people below........ people he had led into the desert. "Follow me," he had told them. And now they were free from...

When the Signs Don’t Make Sense, He Still Does
This sign seems a little pointless today. And if I'm really honest, so does the story of Moses and Pharoah as I move through my chronological Bible. Sign after sign, Pharoah missed God's message. And sometimes I worry that I'm missing His signs too. Seasons...

It’s Really Not That Nice or Easy…………But It’s Worth It
Those roots. My beautician notices them way before most, and she has a way of gently breaking the news. She also frees me up to take matters into my own hands as often as I need. I head to the store in search of my "true color" when the reality is................. my...