Sometimes We Need Sticks and Stones

Sometimes We Need Sticks and Stones

As my nephew walked along the creek's edge in search of crawdads or any other creature he could possibly scoop up in his net, I watched from a few feet below. My own boys - now all grown up - seemed to appear in the form of his innocent little figure. Stumbling along....

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If You’ve Ever Felt Sad or Discouraged

If You’ve Ever Felt Sad or Discouraged

Discouraged's just one of many adjectives in the English language, but isn't it a powerful one? The dictionary defines it as "having lost confidence or enthusiasm; disheartened." Have you ever felt it? Weakened Lacking excitement Sad As someone who...

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Caution. Reading This May Be Painful.

Caution. Reading This May Be Painful.

A couple of weeks ago, a picture fell off the wall in my Sunday school room. I had been told the floor needed to be cleaned before women arrived, but I didn't expect to find such a large amount of shattered glass waiting for me. As I knelt down to begin the work of...

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Because The Front Door Was Never Supposed To Be Mine Forever

Because The Front Door Was Never Supposed To Be Mine Forever

Discarded but not quite thrown away, this love-shaped wreath rests quietly in the rocks in our backyard. Step on me. Step over me. But never forget who I am............... I am "love." ------------------------------------------------------------ This past year I've...

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When Gravel Roads Take Flight

When Gravel Roads Take Flight

My "hands-on motherhood road" is quickly nearing an end. The everyday errand-running, awake-at-dawn then up-til-who-knows-when era is fading fast. I'm a worn-down gravel road. The years of memories etched into my very being. Birthday parties Sleepovers Science fair...

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“I Want That”

“I Want That”

It's my favorite scene in the movie Napoleon Dynamite. A door-to-door salesman pulls a large sailing ship out of a box before trying to make his sales pitch, and as soon as the wife sees it, she whispers to her husband, "I want that." I love that this woman isn't...

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When Grief Speaks Through a Coffee Mug

When Grief Speaks Through a Coffee Mug

I was already in my pajamas last night when Tim came to the bedroom to tell me we had company. They had no idea how tired I was and yet how badly I needed to see their faces................. on this very evening. There's a lot going on in my life right now. Many good...

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When You Realize You’re Hanging History Today

When You Realize You’re Hanging History Today

When he left for work this morning, did he realize the significance of the tools he carried? Tape Paper A drill Was he dreading the long hours on his knees, steadying himself with only an elbow placed firmly on a sometimes shaky leg? Or was he able to wrap his mind...

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When God Shows Up At an Easter Photo Shoot

When God Shows Up At an Easter Photo Shoot

As I walked through the dollar store in search of everything from saline solution to a belated birthday card, I passed the Easter basket supplies and couldn't help but remember the many years of egg hunts and early morning basket fun with all of our kids................

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