When Your Hands Are Just Too Full
I knew I had overestimated what I could carry in one trip. Two large notebooks A Bible A tub of colored pencils And my purse........... The trip from my car to the house didn't seem that far - until I closed the car door (with my foot) and turned to walk inside. I...

Why I’m Glad Pennies Still Matter
In a world where everything seems bigger and louder than ever before, I love the thought of a tiny copper coin still having a voice. --------------------------------------------- A purchase today may cost several hundred dollars, but there's a good chance the...

I’m a Woman…….And This is Why I’ll Walk………Not March
I've held a few signs in my life. The one I treasure most said, "Last day of chemo!" and I remember grasping it so proudly alongside my husband and son who a year later lost his fight with cancer. Signs definitely speak. And our family definitely had a message to...

When Sunrise Speaks to the Wonder of Today
I miss the dusty roads of my grandparent's farm in Oklahoma. My roots are forever there, woven into and wrapped around the glistening pebbles, sandy soil, and colorful wildflowers covering every surface. In some ways, it feels like a hundred years since I ran through...

Unwrapping Joy This Christmas Morning
I'll never forget the first time I walked into a jail cell. Metal bunk beds Concrete floors Cinder block walls Even the faces of the women seemed hard and cold Freedom and joy, like distant memories, had faded from their eyes. Holding only our Bibles, I remember...

Maybe It’s As Simple As Giving Empty Jars
It's funny how a sermon can hit you in an unexpected way........... cause your mind to wander............ and the next thing you know you're thinking about what's sitting on your kitchen counter that very second and how maybe just maybe you washed out empty jars the...

When Time Stops But The Stairs Keep Moving
Kids often run full speed toward new things. Who wouldn't want to ride on "moving stairs?" But a lanyard around the neck of a little boy with tiny legs can quickly become an enemy when brought too close to a gap in the moving metal. Before I could even think, he was...

The Only Way To Vote And Know You’ll Be Okay
Voicing my political views on social media has never been "my thing." Maybe it's because I don't feel informed or intellectual enough to carry on a healthy debate, or maybe it's because so many online debates digress so quickly that a knowledge of what is true or...

The Seasons May Change, But Some Things Never Will…..And I’m Thankful
I can still see them........... all of our kids. Sweatshirts and knit hats, talking and laughing as they passed this very ball. It lays in our memory garden most days now. A visual reminder of a different season. _________________ Like a tree holding desperately onto...

From MiMi For The Sunless Days
When I hold you in my arms, something magical happens. All the grief pressing down on my soul seems to lift a bit............... and life feels so full of hope.............. all over again. I love you so much, little Elaine Adaya. I want your world to be perfect. Free...