My Foggy Faith
It gets the best of me so often. The unknown. The unseen. The signs up ahead I can't quite see. Foggy mornings scare me. So does walking by faith. Take me out of the driver's seat and everything gets worse. There's something about gripping the wheel that at least...

Two Pennies, A Cross, and An Unexpected Memory
I knew I had a choice. Dive all the way in or run far, far away. There was no half-way about the decision in front of me. And sometimes a "T" in the road feels so scary............... because either way has a cost. But this particular moment of decision didn't feel...

The Meal I Need Weekly
I remember family vacations that included Sundays. No matter where we were, from a campground to a parking lot, dad would pull out a bottle of grape juice and a box of crackers. And right there in the middle of who-knows-what-kind-of-moods we were in at the time, we...

Finding Love on a Rocky Road
Stepping into an elevator full of people I'd never met, I wondered how I'd ended up here. A new job. A new training. A new world full of rules and expectations. I smiled at the faces standing all around me and wondered, "Are they thinking these very same thoughts?" As...

Breaking the Silence in a Way-Too-Loud World
Day after day, for the past couple months, my fingers have rested on this keyboard....................motionless. Thoughts bouncing wildly around in my mind and emotions running deeply through my heart, yet fingers refusing to budge. Sometimes finding a way to...

When A Shed Becomes Holy and A Mess Becomes His
As the worship service progressed, I could feel it. A gnawing sense of "trying" to draw close to God..............and failing. Have you ever felt the wall? My heart longed to know I was in His presence. My soul yearned for some type of "feeling" that He was right...

God Knows Just What You Need
Last August, our daughter left for college leaving the last of our kid's bedrooms empty. It felt so strange to walk from room to room and see perfectly made beds....... every single day. Tim and I were determined to embrace this new chapter of life together, but I...

When Darkness Hides The Sunrise and Facing Dawn is Hard To Do
I remember sitting on the beach and watching my last sunrise with Nick. Much like this morning in Kentucky, the dark clouds attempted to hide what I knew was tucked right behind them. I knew they could try to mask the beauty of that morning, but they really had no...

Finding God in Your Mess
I somehow managed to avoid it for months. Endless craft supplies, all kinds of notebooks, and enough glue to hold together every science fair project in the county. I'm not sure if it was the hard work I was avoiding or the precious memories I would surely face along...

My Personal Journey to The Shack: How One Book Changed Me
I can remember the moment like it was yesterday. Sitting in my bathtub, of all places, and hearing someone calling from my front door, I recognized Cheri's voice immediately; and from my bathroom called back, "Come on in." When your son has cancer and you've been told...