When the Red Sea Isn’t Enough

When the Red Sea Isn’t Enough

Sometimes when I read the Bible, I try to imagine what it would have been like to be an Israelite in the days of Moses. Following a pillar of cloud or fire, hearing the voice of God rumble from them. I feel like that would have been enough. Enough for me to know how...

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Don’t Leave Egypt Alone

Don’t Leave Egypt Alone

If you ever wanted a reason NOT to believe in a loving God, you might consider reading Exodus 12. But if you ever wanted a reason TO believe in Him, you might want to read this very same chapter......again. I'll never understand His ways. Scripture confirms this in...

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He’s Right There In Your Kitchen

He’s Right There In Your Kitchen

Standing before Pharoah had to be terrifying. Like Dorothy approaching the "great and powerful Oz," I'm sure Moses' legs trembled and his voice cracked as he came closer and closer to the throne. Who wouldn't find it difficult to smoothly connect words when placed in...

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How Many Whirlwinds Does It Take to Change a Person?

How Many Whirlwinds Does It Take to Change a Person?

One phone call. That's all it took to make time stand still. And sitting here this morning, I feel as if the clock stopped for our family for almost a week. Tim and I look at each other now and wonder what happened. We never dreamed last Wednesday would be the last...

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Where Wisdom Can’t Be Found

Where Wisdom Can’t Be Found

It's an honest question. "What do you want to be when you grow up?" We ask children this question from the time they're very young. Answers range from, "Professional sports player to lawyer to famous YouTuber." But more often than not, the answer is, "I don't know."...

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When Holy Leaves Speak……..

When Holy Leaves Speak……..

It's no secret. You can move through life without ever turning to God. And still live long. Have power. And accumulate wealth. These earthly things are not connected to a relationship with the Giver of gifts. Yes, He blesses those who love Him, but He also blesses...

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When the Fog is Thick and Words are Missing

When the Fog is Thick and Words are Missing

It's not too difficult to imagine Job, sitting in ashes, questioning his life. "What did I do to deserve this?" "Where did I go wrong?" "Why is this happening to me?" Suffering brings questions. And sitting with a friend who is full of them can feel like driving into...

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When Answers Don’t Come Easy

When Answers Don’t Come Easy

"Teach me and I will be silent.   Help me understand what I did wrong." Job 6:24 I love Job's honesty. I guess because I've felt the very same way. Had the same requests. Longing to understand where I slipped up. Beating myself up for every shortcoming. Convinced my...

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