Today several of Nick’s buddies and Olivia’s friends joined me at True Value Farmer’s Hardware to stain our first ten Nick Nooks. These bookshelves along with a large set of children’s books will be given to doctor’s offices and hospitals to be used in their waiting rooms.
Nick loved to read! It was one of his favorite things to do! For him being curled up on the couch with a good book was right up there with playing a game of Madden football or throwing a football in the yard with Tim and his brothers and friends.
We wanted to do something through Nick’s foundation that would share Nick’s love for reading with boys and girls who might need a little encouraging.
So with the help of Tony Collier who designed our book case model and the Carter County Vocational School students who built our first ten shelves as well as Farmer’s Hardware who has been so gracious to allow us to do our work within their walls, we are happy to say that by next week we believe we will be delivering our first Nick Nooks to area waiting rooms!!!!
These book display cases will be donated as gifts from the foundation, so we are thankful for all who support this ministry so that these funds are available.
Several times today as I watched the boys and girls working so diligently, my heart would feel faint as I longed to see Nick right there with them working away! He would have loved today!!!
But would you believe that as two of the boys and I were picking up donated books which had been labeled by our “Nick’s Nook Label Lady,” Topsy Keeran, I found a penny in the back of my van under a crock pot that I need to return to someone from school?!??!?! I just couldn’t believe it!!! I felt like Nick was saying, “I’m with you, Mom! And I’m loving every minute!!”
Here’s some photos from our day!!
I had the kids give Melissa a group hug! Thanks, Melissa, for sharing your store with us! Melissa is on the board for Nick’s foundation, and I am so thankful for her spirit and her love and her enthusiasm!
Kaleb, Derek, Jon, and Andrew working away!
Cameron, Madison, and Olivia…having fun?!?! 🙂
Trish works hard and smiles all the while!! Thanks, Trish!!
Don’t kill me, Jenna..but this picture just had to make the photo journey!!!
I love your spirit so much! Jon and Andrew busy, busy, busy!!
Now this is teamwork!!!
Colton needs some mommy-time!
Melissa, Kaleb, Me, and Derek…enjoying a little break
Ryan, Evan, and Jon.Yum, Yum..Little Caesar’s
Lunch Break!!
Is Jon getting ready to stain my face?!?!? Hi Derek.I see you!!!
Colton watches a little “tv!”
Thanks, guys!!! You were amazing!!!!!!!!!!
I’ll share photos from our deliveries next week!
Thanks for all your prayers for Nick’s Foundation. You can visit his foundation website at:
or read his life story at
Today was so much fun. I love you.
Awesome way to remember your Nick! I’m sure Nick was smiling down on you all!!!
Love you much,
What great pictures! It’s Wendy, and I am putting together an e-mail list for our on-line study. Would you mind stopping by my blog and leaving a comment with your e-mail address or sending it to Thanks.
I can’t wait to get to know you this summer!!! Two weeks to go.
You have changed my life in so many ways. I had an amazing time today!!! Thank you. I also owe you for my friendship with Trish. Which is priceless. She has changed my life in so many ways. Thank you. I love you Jenna
What an awesome ministry. The shelves look great. I know it feels wrong sometimes to be doing things without him. I know you miss him so much. Hugs to you today.
Thank you so much for stopping by my blog! I love how you are doing something so precious and so tangible!
I really appreciate your prayers for my meeting with the litery agent. We carry our dreams lightly; always keeping them at HIS feet!
Have a beautiful weekend!
Praise the Lord for His servants! LOVE seeing the pics and hearing your take on it! God bless you girl!
Great work, everyone! After our own heart, my husband is a wood worker and trust me, if we were anywhere close to where you are, he would be there helping make those awesome Nick Nooks!! I love them. Your passion for what you are doing shows so brightly through your posts and these pictures. I see my Nick’s thumb’s up rupee every day and it inspires me to just keep on going even when the day seems so long or so hard. You are such an inspiration, I can’t even put it in words, Tammy! I come here every day and even if I don’t comment, you can be sure that I leave here blessed and thinking of ways I can put my own faith into action. I love you so much! Thank you for this blog and your willingness to share so much with perfect strangers!