Something happened last Thursday………
A revelation of sorts in my heart.
I’ve been working on a retreat that is coming up in a couple of weeks where I am speaking on authentic relationships with God and with our friends.
Struggling at times with the right words, the right stories, the right direction, I’ve found myself second-guessing so many things that have happened in my life.
Thursday, my eyes had reached their limit. I couldn’t look at a computer screen anymore. I asked God to please show up while I was cleaning……………
And He did.
As I swept the kitchen floor, a song came on that I had never heard before. I felt as if God had just played my life story through music.
And I believe He played your life story too.
I’ve listened to the song at least 40 times since then.
I’ll share it with you soon, but I’m still processing all that it means to me, and I’m thankful for this time to soak it in.
So, this morning as I transition from a busy weekend of kids at home, and friends stopping by to have gnome pictures taken (I’ll share that on another day, too! If we’re Facebook friends, you already know what I’m talking about) and a Super Bowl party at our house last night, I’m diving back into my study.
But before I could begin, I thought of all of you and thought of what every day should begin with……… a time of thanks.
And I headed to my living room to share another room of thanksgiving with you.
Thank you, first, for sharing life with me. Won’t Heaven be great when all of our praise and thanks will be going straight to His throne without ceasing?!?!??!!
I love company…….Thank you, Lord, for friends, family, and neighbors…..Africa, India, Russia, Mexico, India, Amish country…….God you are everywhere……Thank you for souvenirs to remind us.
Grandma’s oil lamp…..As I cooked lunch yesterday, I thought of all the meals her hands prepared for Grandpa, for us, for friends…Thank you for her never-ending inspiration. She burns deep within me. Men on the moon…..Who would have ever dreamed it possible? Thank you for the memory Tim’s parents kept safe in their boxes of memories and then shared with us to share with our kids…Thank you for men and women who risk their lives to do unheard of things for mankind….help me be willing to take “one small step” towards whatever You desire from me.
Cards from fellow teachers sharing messages of love and arriving on just the right day!
Photographs that can never be taken again…….thank you. Little boy memories…….thank you!
Faith……lost without it, living by it, thankful for it.
Ziggy…….a high school graduation gift that has somehow survived for 28 years!!!!!!!! Thank you. He makes me smile. I’ve always loved Ziggy! I’m not sure why!
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh……..Thank you for the reminder.
Yes it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Olivia’s friends……….thank you!
Joyce Meyer’s first novel! I especially love the title!! The Penny!
Gifts from Nick’s funeral that remind me of the love that surrounds us.

It really is a wonderful life! Mostly because it’s followed by something more wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Only God gives the ability to do this when life is tough. Thank you for the gift of laughter!
Too many to count. Thank you!
Yes, Kandi, I saw you watching me snap photos! I’m thankful for you, too!
Beth Moore!!! The book of Revelation! Christine for sharing with me!! Thank you for all three!
In my kitchen but seen from the living room! Thank you for this moment!
A verse I have clung to for years! Thank you! A gift from mom when all five kids were small and life seemed too crazy….the words got me through many stressful days. Thank you!
So, today, as you venture into yet another week of life here on earth, I hope you’ll take time to look around and count your blessings! They are everywhere you look!
So much love from me to you,
Hi Tammy,
Loved the little tour of your living room. So great to be surrounded by things that have memories. I have such a small place now I feel as if there is no room for the things I love. Too small to have clutter, or rather no room to put it it in. I loved the sign in the kitchen about moments, how true. I am going to write that down and remember it.
Terrible fires in Perth as well, 270 kms from here so I am safe but friends live in the area. Haven’t heard if there house is safe. No loss of live so thank God for that but at least 60 houses completely lost and the same number damaged so lots of dreams that will have to be redrempt with those dear people.
Goodness, Jen, Australia has endured so much lately. I am so sorry. I will be praying for all of the families there who are facing such sad times.
I love you, Jen, and I am always so glad to hear from you across the sea. I hope we can meet someday!
Much love,
tammy 🙂