1 I lift up my eyes to the hills—where does my help come from?
2 My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.
3 He will not let your foot slip—he who watches over you will not slumber;
4 indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.
5 The LORD watches over you—the LORD is your shade at your right hand;
6 the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.
7 The LORD will keep you from all harm—he will watch over your life;
8 the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.
Have you ever just needed to talk? That’s where I am tonight. In the stillness of the night with Nick near me breathing peacefully—why am I so overcome with anxiety? My heart is racing, and I long to just sit with someone and cry and talk. I sent an email to all of the women in my Sunday school class and to a few other friends just to see if someone is awake, but noone has replied. I just don’t have the heart to wake Tim up two nights in a row and drag him through my emotional struggle.
Suddenly, it came to me! A passage that our class memorized this summer when we did our study of the Psalms of Ascent with Beth Moore (on DVD)!
Psalm 121!
Surely as I read and studied this passage I knew that verses 3 and 4 were true! Long before tonight I had to know that these verses carried hope! Surely as I worked so hard to hide these words in my heart I believed them. I understood the power of the words that I had repeated so many times as I moved toward saying them without looking down at my Bible.
But, oh tonight, these verses that I worked so hard to memorize have come to life for me in a very real way. Tonight they bring a feeling of great peace to me as I read them over and over and over,
3 He will not let your foot slip-He who watches over you will not slumber.
4 indeed, He who watches over Israel will neither slumber or sleep.
Thank you, Oh Watcher of Israel, Foot Protector, Healer, Provider, Comforter, Yahweh, Master, Savior, Lord of My Life, My Rock, My Fortress……..
THANK YOU for never slumbering nor sleeping.
THANK YOU for being all that I need when I feel that I need so much more than anyone can give.
THANK YOU for lifting my feet out of the mud and mire and giving me a firm place to stand (Psalm 40).
THANK YOU for promising that if I hide Your Word in my heart than I have help for my every need for Your Word is full of promises.
Oh, tonight, as I realize that even my dearest friends and my precious husband need rest….
YOU do not!
Lord, You never tire. Exhaustion is not in your vocabulary. Power naps are of no need to you. You do not sleep. Not even to the point of a little slumber!
You are with me now in my hour of anxious thoughts. You offer peace, hope, strength, joy, healing, love, and the list goes on and on.
I praise You, Lord! I praise You because Nick is fearfully and wonderfully made.
I praise You because You have the power to give life and give it more abundantly.
I praise You because Nick had a great day! He is in NO PAIN!
Lord, heal Nick. I praise You for healing Him! I praise You just as my dear friend commented that I should….and by the way I think of that day that this dear friend refers to in her comment from a couple of years ago so very often (see comments from last post). It has given me strength and hope just rememering that day.
Lord, I lift my eyes to the hills. Not to my email or to my phone. No, I lift my eyes to the hills.
That is where my help comes from!!!!!
Thank you, Lord, for being on the hill 24/7…..AWAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YES!!!!! As I read, that’s all I could say with tears streaming down my face! May God give you supernatural peace, rest, strength, faith and patience.
All my love, Tammy.
Your “dear friend” (what an honor)
I wrote this piece on Nick’s page. As I was reading your story, my heart just aches for you. I wish we would of met sooner because I would be more than happy to listen and pray with you. The power of prayer is such a testominy for us durning these challenging journies. “Please feel free to lean my direction if so desired. Jeff,Jessica, Clara and I have added your family to our prayer list also. “Hello, my name is Amy Elam. Through a mutal contact, we were forwarded your website. I have been so touched by how your website. My daughter Jessica was diagnosed with an brain tumor on October 29, 2001 which was then diagnosed as an Ependymoma. She has relapsed 4 times. We are altering between brain and spine. This time it is in her brain. Jessica and myself wanted to meet someone with the same type of cancer. With this being rare, it is hard to find. We live and are seen here in Cincinnati. We see Dr. Wagner. We have heard about Dr. Fouladi. We are finishing up radiation and then starting Chemo on Thursday. Our website is http://www.caringbridge./visit/jessicaelam. Would love to chat with someone who actually knows what we are going through. Thanks for being a blessing and guide. In Christ. Amy Elam”
God is good-ALL the time!
Sweet Tams,
I wish someone could’ve been there for you.
I went back and read the anonymous lady’s comment from yesterday. That is encouraging and powerful. It really touched me and reminded me that I need to believe more whole-heartedly for my own miracle in my marriage. I try my best to focus on the praises to offer Him but the worry creeps in.
I had a dear friend tell me at the beginning of my trial when my beloved left to praise Jesus. Praise Him for beloved leaving. Praise Him for beloved saying hurtful things. It does sound wierd. I did struggle with praising Him for beloved leaving but I praised Him for what He was going to do in reaction to beloved leaving.
There is power in praise but I don’t need to tell you that. You have a very grateful heart expressed in praise.
Love and prayers,
This was a powerful post and so awesome! What a wonder that in the midst of our fear and anxiety… God releases the praise from our lips. I was blessed because you started out talking about your anxious thoughts and they turned to praise and thanksgiving to God… much like David did in many of his Psalms. I believe God smiled on you as you wrote.
With much love…
Oh Tammy – What an inspiration you are! He IS the only place where we can go for help 24/7. What a comfort that He never sleeps. Sure wish we knew each other “for real” because I am always up! But I know that God wanted you to just meet with Him! Still praying and trusting. Love to you – Sheryl
Yes, Jesus is the ONLY friend that we can count in ALL times. Earthly friends and family are special blessings but can never fill our every need like our Savior. Like you said 24/7!! Amen!
Continuing in prayer and thanksgiving for Nick,
hugs & tears from PA
I just stopped by your blog to say hello and to let you know that I really enjoyed your posts.
May the Lord bless you in amazing ways!!!