10 “Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth.” 11 The LORD Almighty is with us;
the God of Jacob is our fortress.
The television has finished its nightly commitment of providing us with some “sense” of entertainment.
The dogs are even settled in.
Oh, I needed this moment.
This little pocket of peace.
I remember longing for these pockets and even writing about them months ago when we would experience breaks in Nick’s treatments or clear MRIs with even just a month of “no worries.”
God gives us the pockets that we need.
Sometimes they are large pockets able to hold days, months, maybe even years.
Sometimes they are moments.
A five-minute wait in the car for someone while your favorite song is on the radio.
An afternoon nap on Sunday.
Rocking on your front porch and soaking in the sun.
Pushing a child on a swing and just listening to him/her giggle as they sway up and down.
Closing your eyes as you stand at the kitchen sink and knowing that every dish you wash represents someone you love not just “another dirty dish.”
Yes, God gives us a life full of these precious pockets. Like a pair of overalls, randomly covered with special little “holders” of all sorts of sizes. That’s our life!
Have you ever put on a jacket and discovered a secret pocket that you never realized was there before! Maybe a little one on the inside of the lining! Doesn’t it feel great to discover something you didn’t know you had!
I think that’s what God longs to offer us in our pockets of peace. But in this offer comes the reality that we must accept it. We must “be still and know that He is God.”
I can hustle and bustle my way through every day. Turning around to another Friday like I will tomorrow and in that turning I can be aware that God has been with me.
But oh, the depths of KNOWING that He is God!
That comes from being still.
So I sit here and I’m still and in the stillness I realize how “unstill” I have been all day.
The swirling in my mind begins to slow. The thoughts that hop from this ministry to that from this schedule to that from this deadline to that…..
they stop.
And suddenly I am aware that not much matters really. Except that I know that He is God.
For in knowing that, I can let other things go for awhile.
The Creator of the Universe, the Sun-Riser, the Star-Shiner, the World-Turner, the Galaxy-Designer, the Lord of Lords and King of Kings is God.
He’s My God.
And He’s Yours.

We all witness the same sun rise.
And we all have hope because the same Son Rose!
Being still and knowing that is enough to make me smile.
I’ve had a good day, but it has been packed full from sun-up til sun-down.
And even though I started my day with Him and I am ending my day with Him, I am sad to say that in the middle somehow I spent the day with myself, my to-do list, my commitments, my concerns……………..
I read my blog from yesterday and my head began to spin again…………I sounded so “busy,” so “rushed,” so “overloaded” with information and emotion.
So tonight, I’m thankful that somehow the verse “Be still” came into my heart and I felt the nudge from God to do just that.
For in this silence I have praised Him. I have thanked Him. I have committed tomorrow to Him.
Thank you, Father, for whispering “be still” until I “heard” You………because I missed You today in my busyness.
Please forgive me.
That’s why I love the verse above.
Just saying it out loud brings a pocket of peace.
I’ll be subbing my precious third graders tomorrow.
Who knows what the day will hold? I want to enter it in peace…….
Knowing that He is God!
Thanks for the reminder…it is so easy to forget as we go through our days how close we need to keep Him…
God bless!